Marine Design & Service

Fish Tank Cleaning and Maintenance in Albany, NY

Commercial and residential aquariums require maintenance which directly effects the health of the inhabitants and beauty of the display. Your aquarium provides the greatest pleasure when it is fresh, clean and well managed by Marine Design & Service in the Albany, NY area. We do service freshwater, saltwater, and reef aquariums. We are professional, and fully insured experienced and dependable. We carry all the necessary supplies for a healthy and successful aquarium.

We also consult for the design of new or upgraded systems and do professional installations at competitive pricing. We offer our service to businesses and individuals that want an attractive feature for the office, place of business, or home. It is not for people who are looking to avoid the responsibilities of having a tank. With our service, daily feeding, evaporated water replenishment, and some common aquatic sense will be required. Your responsibility is basically as easy as watching over indoor house plants.

If you need someone to call when your tank needs help; need advice on fish selection; require help with removing unsuitable specimens... and you are willing to pay for the service; then a Tank Maintenance Service Contract may be for you.

A tank maintenance service will not insure or warrantee your system, nor will it defray your overall costs. It will insure the best treatment and products are used to keep your investment manageable.

We proudly service the areas of Albany, Latham, Troy, Schenectady and Saratoga Springs New York!

You can contact Marine Design & Service in Albany, NY by calling Marine 518-365-4579 or eMail